Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chapter 7

Vanessa’s headphones sat around her neck while music continued to play as she bopped her head to the beat. “Huh.” She stared at the photos comparing the two.

Elissa leaned closer, “What?”

“See this?” Vanessa pulled her headset off completely so she could move freely across the room. She pressed a button on a remote and the photos were instantly projected and enlarged. Pointing to the photo on the left, “This is the side of the pool where the blood was found.”

“Right… only it looks smeared not splattered.” Elissa stepped closer peering at the photo.

“True and it was… by hand.” She touched the screen, tapping twice before elongating her fingers, enlarging the image. “You can see here how it’s not random, that isn’t a splatter of blood. Someone put it there to take the attention away from what really caused the wound.”

“What about the wound?” Elissa watched as Vanessa brought up another photograph, this one was of their second victim and zooming closer to the head wound.

Vanessa pointed to the wound’s shape. “While the water has been kind enough to clean the wound, it also diluted the blood around the wound itself. Here you can see the indention is not angular, it is circular. So as Doc pointed out, it was blunt trauma to the head, but not the side of the pool.”

Elissa nods slowly. “Travis Knight was killed.”

“The amount of drugs and alcohol in his system could have killed a horse, but it was the hit to the head and drowning that killed him.” Vanessa tilted her head and stepped closer to the screen. “I just need to figure out what that is and we may have a weapon.”

“Oh that would make life a bit easier. Do you think you can really do that?” Elissa stepped closer peering at the wound and wrinkling her nose. “Ya I have no idea what I’m looking at.”

Vanessa simply grinned and moved Elissa out of the way. “Go do your detective-ly type…” She waved a hand in the general direction of the door, “stuff. Leave this to me.”

Elissa grinned gratefully moving out of the way, “Thanks, Vanessa.”


The phone on her desk rang again just as she reached out to pick it up. “1st Division, Putnam.” Her eyes widened and she turned towards Hector while listening to the caller. “Thanks for the update. We’ll be out later this morning. A crew should be there or will be shortly.”

Elissa stared at the handset in her hand, biting her lip. Hector grew impatient. “Who was that and what was the update?”

“That was our friend the butler, Cecil ‘I-don’t-exist’ Jonahs,” Elissa set the handset back on the cradle. “He believes the ‘do-da’ event that Kingston Riley referred to was to be Peter Hamilton’s funeral. Mrs. Hamilton told Cecil last night to expect a large gathering in the gardens. Apparently she is throwing some kind of party.”

“His body was released this morning.” Hector peered at her. “How did she get word last night?”

“We’ll just have to ask her.” Elissa leaned against her desk, folding her arms. “Have you heard back about Cecil’s bogus last name?”

“Not yet, boys downstairs said to give them another day.” Hector looked at the clock, noted the time and closed his notebook. “You’re on your own going back to the house. I have someone coming in.”

“What’s going on?” She watched as he slipped his coat back on and fixed his collar. “Hector? Who’s coming in?”

“I’ll fill you in later.” Grabbing up his notebook, Hector wound his way through desks towards the interrogation rooms without a backwards glance.

Hector paused with his hand on the knob taking a calming breath before entering. The occupant didn’t bother to look up from the table. “Thanks for coming in.” Hector said as he set a folder on the table and took a seat. Hector folded his hands over the folder looking at the man calmly. Jenson remained impassive for a few minutes before sighing deeply, but still didn't speak.

“Did you know Travis Knight?” Hector opened the file in front of him, sifting through pages.

“Did I; not do I?” Jenson clasped his fingers together, leaving them in plain sight on the table before lifting his gaze to meet Hector’s. “No.”

“He was found dead at the Hamilton estate yesterday.” Hector watched Jenson noting no reaction. “We also learned you have had regular meetings with Peter Hamilton.”

Jenson’s lip quirked, “I work for Hamilton Industries.”

“You had a private meeting with Peter Hamilton the night before his death. You failed to mention having visited the estate the night before his murder.” Hector peered at Jenson, having chosen his words carefully.

“You didn’t ask.” Jenson’s eyes tightened as he fought for control. “So his death wasn’t an accident?”

“No; Peter Hamilton was killed-”

“Shit…” Hector’s words are interrupted as Jenson flinches physically. “Of course, you’re homicide. Why else would you be investigating his death? Sorry, it’s just…” Jenson stood suddenly and began pacing. “You tell him, be careful Pete… you’re pissing off too many people, you’re too powerful for such a small town and no, he doesn’t want to listen because he feels invincible.” Jenson grabbed the back of the chair bracing his body as it threatens to sway. “Ah, fuck.”

Jenson pushed back and leaned against the wall as his emotions broke loose. He closed his eyes tight against the tears that stubbornly fell and he groaned. “It was hard enough knowing he died, alone in some ravine… but murdered? Who could do something like that?” Jenson shook his head slowly. “If they just knew him, if…” Jenson swiped angrily at his eyes, brushing away his tears calming his outburst. He straightened and sat back into the chair, staring at the table. “Interview is over. I want a lawyer.”

Page 2


CeeCee said...

Jenson lawyered up?

And the plot just keeps getting thicker and thicker!

Are you sure that YOU even know who the murderer was? LOL

Kethwyn said...

>Are you sure that YOU even know who the murderer was? LOL

Obviously the murderer was.... THIS! Or wait, was Peter Hamilton THIS, since it's titled "The End to This"?